America’s moms–along with families, businesses and the nation’s economy–are struggling without high-quality, affordable child care. That’s why moms have come together to establish the Moms’ Seal of Approval on Child Care, to identify candidates who will stand with families by advancing child care policy solutions that address affordability, accessibility and quality.
MomsRising Together, the online and on-the-ground organization of 1,044,000 mothers and their families working to improve family economic security, created the new program in partnership with parents to help voters identify candidates who will support solutions to the country’s child care crisis, to raise the profile of child care as a campaign issue and to challenge candidates to commit to child care solutions that meet the needs and standards of America’s moms.
“Moms, parents and families across the nation are joining together in saying we are ready to speak out for affordable, accessible, high-quality child care. We will only end the child care crisis that is costing families, businesses and our economy so dearly if we elect leaders with a real commitment to finding solutions,” said MomsRising executive director and CEO, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner.
Finding quality, affordable child care is one of the greatest challenges facing young families. Child care costs more than public college tuition in many states, and nearly half of Americans live in child care deserts, where there is a significant shortage of providers. As a result, millions of moms and caregivers have been forced out of the workforce, jeopardizing their financial security, exacerbating the country’s labor shortage, and harming businesses and the economy.
At the same time, early educators who work at child care programs are grossly underpaid, with many leaving the field because they can make higher wages in fast food or other sectors.
The candidates who have earned the Moms’ Seal of Approval on Child Care are listed here:
“We applaud every candidate who has earned the Moms’ Seal of Approval on Child Care and expect to be able to keep growing that list,” Rowe-Finkbeiner added.