BENNETTSVILLE—To the citizens of Bennettsville, It is with great sorrow that Mayor Leith Fowler resigned from his position due to health issues. As the Mayor Pro Tem, I look forward to working close with our City Administrator and our City council members to carry out the duties of our city; and continue to build positive relationships with our County and State agencies. I believe in working as a team to complete our mission. Our mission is to represent the Great Citizens of Bennettsville because without them there would be no us. My goal as Mayor Pro Tem is to update all needed Ordinances to bring our City up to code and make our City more inviting to new businesses.
Bennettsville is a beautiful town but over the years there has been neglect that has led to disrepair that must be addressed. this will not happen overnight but by working together it can happen. After numerous calls and prayers from people living in the city, I am considering running for Mayor of this Great City. Never forget we must be “One Team – One Mission -Open for Change”