The Pee Dee REALTOR® Association is recommending Jason Luck for election to the South Carolina State House of Representatives, District 54. SC House District 54, currently held by Representative Patricia Henegan who is retiring, includes the majority of Marlboro County and portions of Chesterfield and Darlington counties.

A special interview panel chosen by the Association conducted interviews with candidates for the South Carolina House and concluded that Luck is best qualified for the position.

Interviews with the candidates were designed primarily to provide the local Association’s membership with information as to which of the candidates for the South Carolina House seat would best represent the REALTORS® position of protecting private property rights.

The mission of the Pee Dee REALTOR® Association (PDRA) is to promote homeownership and protect property rights in the Greater Pee Dee region of South Carolina through education and valuable resources. PDRA serves Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Marlboro and Williamsburg counties.