BENNETTSVILLE — LynnMark Solutions Inc. hosted its Third Annual Veterans Stand Down and Community Resource Day at Lindsay Community Park on Friday. During the event veterans in attendance were provided breakfast, lunch, and information on programs available to them.

“This event allowed us to offer immediate intervention support to at-risk and under-served veterans,” said CEO Michael L. Strong. “It is our hope to provide a safe, caring, and compassionate experience serving the county and its residents. Although we didn’t reach our goal, we are still appreciative for the opportunity to serve. The bright spot was that this was the first time ever that the Department of Veterans Affairs ever participated in an event in Marlboro County.”

Strong continued by saying how grateful LynnMark Solutions is for them traveling all the way from Columbia.

“Additionally, we had Representative Pat Henegan and CMSgt Gig Manning from Charleston deliver an inspiring speech to the attendees,” said Strong.

Strong also explained in a press release that, in times of war, exhausted combat units requiring time to rest and recover were removed from the battlefields to a place of relative security and safety.

“At secure base camp areas, troops were able to take care of personal hygiene, get clean uniforms, enjoy warm meals, receive medical and dental care, mail and receive letters and enjoy the camaraderie of friends in a safe environment,” explained Strong. “Today, Stand Down refers to grassroots, community-based intervention program designed to help the nation’s veterans”

The veterans, according to Strong, are brought together in a single location for one to three days and are provided access to the community resources needed to begin addressing their individual problems and rebuilding their lives.

“In the military, Stand Down afforded battle weary soldiers the opportunity to renew their spirit, health, and overall sense of well-being,” said Strong. “Today’s Stand Down affords the same opportunity to homeless veterans.”

For more information on resources or future events, contact Michael L. Strong at

“Stand Down is a place of miracles if you believe in such; a place where a veteran suddenly thrust into homelessness or a difficult life circumstance can find an immediate solution and the same place where a chronically homeless person for more than 15 years can find a transitional place of recovery, treatment, education and training and nine months later be reunited with their family in their own home, said Strong.

JJ Melton can be reached at