The Alpha Beta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International met on Nov. 17. This Society of Women Educators honored the 2022-2023 Marlboro County teachers with a time of celebration and professional conversation. In front, l-r, are Marlboro County School District Teacher of the Year Sue Rogers and Marlboro County School District Rookie Teacher of the Year Kelli Dew. In the back are a group of Alpha Beta members who have shared a teaching friendship at McColl Elementary/Middle with Rogers and Dew are Ann Hill, Becky Rogers, Betty Ann Souther, Lynette Baucom, and Tammy Wagner.
The Alpha Beta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma International met on Nov. 17. This Society of Women Educators honored the 2022-2023 Marlboro County teachers with a time of celebration and professional conversation. In front, l-r, are Marlboro County School District Teacher of the Year Sue Rogers and Marlboro County School District Rookie Teacher of the Year Kelli Dew. In the back are a group of Alpha Beta members who have shared a teaching friendship at McColl Elementary/Middle with Rogers and Dew are Ann Hill, Becky Rogers, Betty Ann Souther, Lynette Baucom, and Tammy Wagner.