COLUMBIA—The Department of Social Services (DSS) celebrates Kinship Care Month in
September as kinship care can offer a safe and stable environment for children in need. Kinship
caregivers can be grandparents, aunts, uncles, other relatives, or family friends who are willing
to step in to care for a youth when they cannot safely remain with their parents or caregivers.
The latest available Kids Count data shows roughly six percent of all children in the state live in
a household with a relative and no parent present.
September is a chance to celebrate all those who step in to support children and youth who
might otherwise go into foster care. Agency numbers show nearly 27 percent of children in
placement in South Carolina are in formally licensed kinship care settings.
“This month is dedicated to acknowledging the importance of kinship caregivers,” said DSS
State Director Michael Leach. “As we celebrate Kinship Care Month, let us take a moment to
reflect on the selflessness, resilience, and love that kinship caregivers embody. Whether they
are grandparents, aunts, uncles, or family friends, their dedication helps shape the future of the
next generation.”
For kinship caregivers, DSS has launched several new programs and resources, including:
• Earlier this year, the state’s new Kinship Guardianship Program (KinGAP) was
implemented as another permanency option when reunification with the youth’s parents
or public adoption is not feasible for youth with an open foster care case. The program
also provides needed monthly financial support to licensed caregivers to help meet the
need for raising youth exiting foster care until adulthood.
• DSS has also rolled out a new statewide Kinship Navigator Program which provides
comprehensive supports to kinship caregivers involved with the agency. This ensures
access to services that can enable youth in kinship care to flourish in all facets of their
lives. The three Kinship Navigator programs in South Carolina include Middle Tyger
Community Center, Epworth Children’s Home and HALOS.
• Visit Kinship SC, a collaboration between HALOS and SC Department of Social
Services, serving kinship care families across South Carolina by providing links,
information and resources and services for caregivers and the children they are raising..